A power sweeper is a great investment for any property. Power sweepers from Bissell BigGreen Commercial quickly and easily clean a variety of areas around a property. Compared to alternatives, our sweepers provide higher efficiency when cleaning and are often better for the local environment. In this article, we will discuss the projects a power sweeper can help with. If you have questions or are interested in buying a sweeper, please click below.

How To Cleaning Parking Garages & Lots With Sweepers
Power sweepers are ideal for sidewalks, lots, and garages. They are designed to clean up wet and dry debris and debris of different sizes. Power sweepers from Bissell BigGreen Commercial feature patented technology that allows them to clean up more in a single pass. But there are some factors to consider when shopping for a power sweeper. Consider the size of the project as well as the cleaning path. If you need to get around tight spaces you will want a smaller model that can make those tighter turns, if you have a large open area, a bigger model might be the right fit.
Environmental Benefits of Power Sweepers
One of the most common alternatives to a power sweeper is a leaf blower or other piece of equipment that simply moves the mess around. This can pollute your local community by moving trash and debris into nature or into the parking lot of your neighboring businesses. A sweeper is the most effective and environmentally conscious way to clean large areas. We offer both battery and manual walk behind sweepers. For smaller projects like a terrace or outdoor dining area, a manual sweeper might be the perfect fit.
How Do I Pick The Right Power Sweeper For A Business
Choosing a sweeper comes down to some core concepts. Consider the size of your property as well as the unique needs. If you are handling an outdoor space, you will want a sweeper that can pick up fine dirt and pollen as well as larger trash and environmental debris. You will also want a sweeper that handles dry and wet messes. Another thing to consider is specific features of our sweepers. For example, the BGDFS29 has a side brush that can clean against curbs. One great way to make sure you get the right equipment is to ask for a recommendation from our team. With years of experience working with all sorts of businesses we can help ensure you get the right product for your facility.

Shop For Commercial Cleaning Equipment
If you are looking for a power sweeper or other indoor and outdoor solutions for your property, please give us a call for more information about our sweepers.