Cleanliness and Office Productivity

Cleanliness and Office Productivity

If you want to boost productivity in your office, start by evaluating your cleaning program. There is a direct correlation between clean office spaces and the productivity of employees, and providing a clean and hygienic workplace also affects employee satisfaction and the impression you leave on potential clients.

Employee Health and Safety

A clean workspace prevents the spread of illness and germs. Without regular cleaning, offices can become hotbeds of bacteria. In 2014, researchers found that a virus placed on tabletops and a single doorknob in an office spread to 60% of workers and visitors in just two hours! This shows the importance of frequently cleaning high-touch surfaces, including doorknobs, desks, phones, and tables.

Clutter, debris, and dirt also affect the mental health of your employees. Stress and anxiety levels grow along with dust, grime, and piles of clutter. This can affect the morale of the entire office.

Cleanliness also reduces the risks of slip and fall accidents. Keeping a clean space will improve safety and reduce lost time injuries in your workspace.

Increased Productivity and Satisfaction

Each year, sick days cost businesses in the United States a whopping $225.8 billion. Keeping your work environment clean is one of the most effective ways to support the health of your employees and limit the number of days lost to preventable illness. Environments that are free of clutter and clean from top to bottom also reduce distractions and increase productivity.

Want to improve your overall workplace satisfaction? Focus on cleanliness! No one wants to spend 9 to 5 in a dirty environment. In fact, nearly 90% of Americans believe that a strong indicator of how a business values its workforce is the conditions of its restrooms. Keeping these and other areas clean lets your employees know you care about them and are committed to their well-being. Happier employees are also more productive.

Maintaining Workplace Cleanliness

Practice top-to-bottom cleaning to reduce cross contamination. First, focus on windows, walls and air vents. Next, clean tabletops, chairs, phones and desks before moving on to the floors. In the restrooms, focus on sinks and toilets first before moving on to mopping and drying floors.

Create a regular cleaning schedule that addresses the needs of your space. For example, high-traffic areas may need attention from a commercial upright vacuum twice a day, while less frequently used conference rooms may only need a vacuuming twice a week.

We are happy to recommend the best commercial upright vacuums for keeping your office clean, healthy and productive. Call us today at 1-800-242-1378 to talk to our experts about the right Bissell upright vacuum for you.